Thursday, March 20, 2008


It is called, "a utopia, the brightest memory of a lost golden age of learning, art, poetry and tolerance". One Muslim poet wrote:

"A sun dwells in this palace and even its shadow is blessed. In this palace a multitude of pleasures capture the eye and suspend the intellect. Here a crystal world teaches marvels. Everywhere Beauty is carved, opulence manifest".

The Islamic civilization had reached its peak in the 10th century, and by 1100, the number of Muslims rose to 5.6 million. There existed in Cordoba alone, 200,000 houses, 600 mosques, 900 public baths, 10,000 lamps, 50 hospitals, lighted and paved streets. Muslims introduced public baths because of their need to to wash in preparation for prayer 5 times a day. Libraries and research institutions grew rapidly in Muslim Spain, while the rest of Europe remained illiterate.

Spain and the West stand forever in their debt. The Muslims were instrumental in making Spain a "Paradise on Earth" and issuing forth the Renaissance. Muslim Spain is hardly spoken of, while the works of Muslims in Al-Andalus remain unknown and unappreciated.

(Do) We have the potential to recreate the dynamic legacy which existed in Al-Andalus (?)

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