Sunday, May 25, 2008

Qawiyyal Jism

A healthy body, that is what it means. Many will try to achieve it through physical exercises or games - badminton, soccer or swimming. I had contemplated golf, only because it is not physically demanding. In fact Deepak Chopra authored a book titled Golf For Enlightenment: The Seven Lessons for the Game of Life and the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) has a course titled The Spirituality of Golf. According to UTS this course examines Golf as a "hobby life" activity and a strategy for kingdom-building. Golf can be a method of mind-body discipline, an avenue for encounter with the spirit world, and an environment for personal evangelism and network building. Students will play two rounds of golf and participate in oral and written reflection.

But after serious consideration I decided to give golf a miss and focus on my diet instead. Some weeks ago, I had considered turning vegetarian, partly to lose weight but more so to manage my temperament. But that did not materialise due to my own failings and it was difficult to play host at dinners. Tonight I am taking a bold and drastic step to go on strict diet for the next two weeks - starting tomorrow (Monday 26 May 08) I will not be having any rice, bread, potatoes, pasta or baked stuff, and no fruit as well. No sweets, cakes, biscuits or ice-cream for the next two weeks, either. My staple for the next two weeks will be vegetables (lots of them) or salad with olive oil in the dressing, meat or fish.

Staying away from rice or bread may pose a difficult challenge given our food culture and customs. Nasi Briyani, Chicken Rice, Nasi Lemak, Lontong, Soto Ayam are dishes that come with rice in one form or another. I personally cannot imagine buying chicken rice from my favourite stall but not having the rice as it is off-limits. And attending wedding function without eating the Briyani - I will need to develop an alternative strategy to ensure the host does not misunderstood me, or worst still, felt insulted by my dietary restrictions.

After the initial phase of two weeks and hopefully, the cravings for sugars and starches have gone too, I will add good carbohydrates to my diet. The idea is not to eliminate all carbohydrates, but only bad ones. Good carbohydrates are found in whole grain bread and high fibre wheat bran cereal. I hope to feel that this plan is less like a diet and more like a way of life - and I will be eating normal foods, in normal size portions (for eg, rice servings no bigger than the tennis ball).

In addition to the diet, I intend to work an exercise plan that does not require me to remake my life - something that I can incorporate easily into my routine. For a start, I will do a 20-minute brisk walk everyday, and hopefully will perspire enough to call it quits.

This is not just an exercise to lose weight and to be physically fit. It is a commitment to self-discipline, and to understand the practical nuts-and-bolts way to control blood chemistry and metabolism through food choices.

This evening, I weigh 84 kg. In two weeks time (9 June 08) I hope to lose 10 kg.

Goodbye bad carbos and bad fats !

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